Why You Need a Proactive Managed Services Provider (MSP)
It’s always better to be proactive than reactive whether it’s a health issue, a financial issue or an IT issue. Proactive IT support will keep your systems protected by anticipating problems and resolving them BEFORE they happen.
“A proactive MSP realizes the importance of demonstrating managerial oversight to all aspects of the client’s company. It’s a key indicator of an MSP’s successful partnership with a company.”
–Brian Rodgers, Aeko CEO
For many businesses the problem with IT is that it is basically out-of-sight, out-of-mind. You can’t really see it, so the tendency is to not even think about it…until a problem occurs. Then your IT staff or provider has to react. Often, by that time, it’s too late. The damage has been done.
Proactive IT Support Benefits
Proactive MSPs prepare, predict and stay current on all IT issues, including those that help advance a company’s productivity and growth and those which harm it.
Aside from the obvious problems like getting hacked or a ransomware threat, there are other hidden issues that prove that proactive is better than reactive. For example:
- Are former employees still able to get in or use some of your software?
- Are you paying for licenses for companies, like Microsoft and Google, that aren’t being used? Or are they being used by those former employees?
A proactive MSP like Aeko will:
- Make sure that the only individuals who can get into your system are current employees in good standing, nor former ones.
- Check all your software licenses to make sure you still want and use them.
- Monitor and maintain your data 24/7/365.
- Educate and re-educate staff as new threats emerge.
- Update your software and devices to help protect them.
- Assure that you have backups and that they are working efficiently.
- Respond quickly and professionally when issues arise.
- Resolve issues to minimize downtime and keep your business running like clockwork.
Need Proactive IT Support?
If you’re struggling with fighting IT fires, or have an MSP that is not looking ahead to address problems, you could be wasting time and money. If you’d like to know more about our IT support services, contact us for a no-obligation consultation.
Are you aware of the most common cyberattack methods?
Did you know there are over 3.4 billion phishing emails sent every day? Phishing and other cybercriminal behavior are a lot more common than you’d think.
Our free “Phishing, Smishing, Vishing, Pharming? A Cyberattacks Guide” will inform you about cyberattack methods and give you the latest in data security tips.