Do's And Don'ts For AI Prompting

AI Prompting Do’s and Don’ts

As Microsoft partners, we see it as our responsibility to help businesses like yours discover everything there is to know about using AI prompting.

It’s important to know what to do and what not to do when working with Copilot for Microsoft 365. Artificial intelligence is an excellent tool for businesses, but you must avoid common mistakes to ensure successful results. 

Here are some simple and easy do’s and don’ts to follow when using AI prompting:

  • DO provide clear and detailed instructions along with context.
  • DON’T use vague language when giving instructions.

To receive the most accurate and desired responses, it is crucial to be as clear as possible in your instructions. Being vague or leaving out context will result in low-quality responses.

  • DO use specific keywords and phrases when prompting for text.
  • DON’T use slang when communicating with the AI

Make sure to avoid any slang or jargon terms when providing instructions, especially if you are prompting the AI to write a piece of text for you. Instead, use very specific keywords that you want included in the text. 

  • DO give feedback on responses.
  • DON’T abruptly change topics or interrupt tasks.

If you don’t like a response you are receiving, it’s important to give feedback. Instead of abruptly changing topics or sending another prompt, take the time to explain why the response wasn’t what you were looking for. Artificial intelligence can learn based on your feedback how to provide the type responses that you are seeking

  • DO always check the output for accuracy.
  • DON’T give conflicting instructions which could cause confusion.

AI is not perfect; there can and likely will be mistakes, even if they are slight. Make sure your instructions don’t include conflicting pieces of information because this can cause confusion and inaccurate responses. Even if you have been clear in the prompt, check for mistakes anyway.

  • DO use polite and respectful language.
  • DON’T request inappropriate content.

Your language directly affects the AI’s response. Although it might sound silly, it is important to be appropriate, kind, and respectful when communicating and providing tasks, and never ask for unethical or inappropriate content.

Want to Learn More About AI Prompting and Copilot for Microsoft 365?

AI can be a tricky subject, meaning you likely have more questions. Whether it be AI prompting, other AI matters, or really anything IT related, we are here to help! Contact us or book a consultation to talk more about AI for your business.

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