Cloud Data Security Is the Cloud Secure

Cloud Data Security: Is the Cloud Secure?

The question of whether or not the cloud is secure has become a common concern for businesses and individuals alike. It’s a loaded question with multifaceted answers, and one can evaluate cloud data security in various ways. 

As an expert managed service provider, we understand the nuances of cloud data security and aim to shed light on the factors that determine the security of your data in the cloud.

Cloud Data Security: The Big 3 Players

The big three cloud platforms — Google, AWS and Microsoft — are at the forefront of the cloud revolution. These giants are making substantial investments in securing their platforms, fortifying them against potential cyber threats at the cloud level. 

The emphasis on security at this foundational level is a testament to the commitment these providers have made to safeguard their users’ data.

However, the security of your data in the cloud extends beyond the infrastructure provided by these platforms. It is intrinsically tied to how your company manages user access and conducts cyber security awareness training. 

A recent notable incident involving a $100 million breach at MGM Resorts serves as a stark reminder of the crucial role human elements play in cloud security. In this case, a breakdown in people management led to unauthorized access, crippling the casino giant through a cyber attack.

Understanding Cloud Data Security

When evaluating the security of a cloud platform, it’s paramount to understand how you navigate the cloud. 

Who controls user access? Your organization or the service provider? 

Platforms like Salesforce, for instance, take the reins in managing user control. In such cases, your responsibility lies in ensuring robust usernames and passwords, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access and adhering to compliance standards.

On the flip side, services like Microsoft SQL or other storage solutions may require a more hands-on approach to user access control.

Ultimately, the security of your cloud data hinges on effective user access and control. Whether your data resides on-premise or in the cloud, a robust user access control strategy is non-negotiable. 

You need to implement stringent controls, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to different areas of your data infrastructure.

Let’s break it down further.

Understanding User Access Control

Effective user access control involves managing permissions and privileges with precision. This means defining who has access to what and under what circumstances. 

For cloud security, it’s about striking the right balance between convenience and control. It’s tempting to streamline access for ease of collaboration, but this must be done judiciously to prevent security loopholes.

Navigating the Cloud: Your Responsibility

When adopting cloud services, it’s crucial to delineate responsibilities. While cloud providers secure the infrastructure, your organization is responsible for securing the data and managing user access. This collaborative effort ensures a comprehensive security posture.

Cyber Security Awareness Training

A well-informed workforce is your first line of defense. Regular cyber security awareness training is instrumental in instilling a security-first mindset among your employees. This training should cover the basics of recognizing phishing attempts, creating strong passwords and understanding the importance of cloud data security.

The Human Factor: A Critical Element

The MGM Resorts breach underscores the significance of the human factor in cloud security. Whether intentional or inadvertent, human errors can expose vulnerabilities. Implementing stringent protocols for user access and conducting regular audits can mitigate these risks.

Unsure how secure your organization actually is? Check out our free Cyber Vulnerability Assessment.

Wrapping Up

So, is the cloud secure? The answer lies in how you approach it. Cloud data security is a shared responsibility, requiring collaboration between your organization and your cloud service provider. 

The big three are investing heavily in fortifying their platforms, but your commitment to robust user access control and cyber security awareness training is equally vital.

At Aeko Technologies, we understand the intricacies of cloud security. Our expertise goes beyond the technical aspects: We prioritize empowering your team with the knowledge and tools to navigate the cloud securely. 

Contact us or book a quick consultation with one of our IT professionals to discuss your cloud infrastructure and data security needs.

Together, let’s build a resilient cloud infrastructure that stands strong against evolving cyber threats.

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Brian Rodgers

Before Brian founded Aeko in 2016, he oversaw large teams as an IT executive within the oil and gas industry, leading the technology infrastructure that helped that company grow to an S&P 500 company. He is passionate about bringing those same strategies to small and midsize businesses, enabling them to scale their services and adapt more quickly to market changes.